Sunday, March 14, 2010


This weekend was the Chicago Zine Fest. I'm pretty exhausted from it but I imagine that my friends who were staff for the event are even more so (so my complaints are baby complaints). Here are photos:

Some tables.

My friend Jake who came from KY for this.

My pull.

The art show at Johalla Projects:

After all of this, I went to an aftershow at Ball Hall with several readings and bands playing. I left about 2/3 of the way in. It was all of the folky cute music that kids at my high school played. While I came to the shows in my hometown that featured that type of music played by my friends, I have no actual interest in it. Therefore I ended moshing to Sheryl Crow and going back to Bummercamp with Eric (from KY). Then we endured the metal show in Bummercamp's basement until 1 in the morning, then I watched weird/funny porn with Jake and Mike, we told ghost stories (us taking movies and putting them into a ghost story format, actually), and then went to bed at 4. It was all a lot of fun and I will miss those kids a lot.

Now, a nice day by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooo! It looks very interesting! I bet all of those zines must've been pretty witty! Those kinds of events are always fun.
    I'm sure you had a great time there c:

    ...and fun time with friends c; Ehehehe I love when mine tell me ghost stories and then I can't sleep! xD

    ~ Orphin's Domains ~
